August 25, 2011


The Blind Side Movie Beat Sheet

1. Opening Image

Football game: Joe Theisman

2. Theme Stated

Protecting your blind side is demonstrated by what happened to Joe Theisman.

3. Set-Up

The school decides if Michael should be admitted. Good athlete but not well educated (not smart). They admit him & give him a chance to give him a break, but he's doing bad in class & feels out of place as the only African American in a white school.

4. Catalyst - Inciting Incident

Leigh Anne sees her son talking to Michael. Michael learns that his father died, but he was never close to him.

5. Debate

Leigh Anne sees Michael wandering at night on the road. She stops to talk to him and decides to take him in her home since he seems to have nowhere to go.

6. Break into Two

Leigh Anne drives him home to the projects. There's an eviction notice on his door.

7. B Story

Michael tells Leigh Anne that his mother probably left to a nicer place, not revealing the eviction notice & so she takes him in. He hasn't opened up yet.

8. Fun and Games

Michael becomes part of the family. His grades are improving. We learn that Michael has a brother, whom he hasn't seen in a long time. Her friends don't understand. Leigh Anne decides to be his legal guardian. She buys Michael a truck.

9. Tentpole - Midpoint - Reversal

Michael gets into a car accident with her son. Leigh Anne is concerned not upset & she learns that he injured his arm saving her son from the air bag. He becomes the protector.

10. Bad Guys Close In

Michael uses his protective instincts to succeed in football as an offensive lineman. Plays in a football game & he's getting beat until the coach sticks up for him on a flagged play. He then prevails. A sign that Michael is trusting a man (abandonment issues)

11. All Is Lost

College recruits are interested in Michael, but he needs a 2.5 gpa but his grades don't cut it.

12. Dark Night of the Soul

Leigh Anne hires a tutor. He's doing well in all but one class and has to write a final paper. He chooses Mississippi over Tennessee.

13. Break into Three

He writes a paper from the heart about courage.

14. Finale - Confrontation

He's preparing for college when he's questioned about the choice of schools. The NCAA is investigated the connection Leigh Anne and her husband have regarding to going to Miss. The allegation is that Leigh Anne took him in in order to prep him for Miss. He believes it & leaves Leigh Anne to go to his old neighborhood, but he doesn't fit in. Leigh Anne finds him & asks what he wants to do (no longer pushing her ideas). She will support Tennessee.

15. Aftermath

Michael meets with the NCAA investigator & says he chooses Miss because his family went there.

16. Final Image

Pro-football draft day of Michael and his family as he's chosen by the Ravens.


About Lisa

Passionate about movies and writing. Hopes to someday be a published writer. So when she's not staring at the tube, she's spilling her imagination onto a blank page.

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