June 30, 2016


REVIEW “Independence Day: Resurgence”, The Where Are They Now Edition

“Independence Day: Resurgence” plays out like a set-up to the real story that will come out in a couple of years… or maybe not.

I’m a fan of the original and was looking forward to this. But even the action sequences couldn’t make up for gratuitous characters, scattered plots and just plain lack of heart.

“Independence Day: Resurgence” had so many problems that I’m going to put my stamps of approval or disapproval on this.

Jumping 20 years in the future and we see an expansive demonstration of how the world has changed. Humanity has taken advantage of the alien technology from building a station on the moon to flying crafts that can cross the stratosphere, traveling between earth and space. Also, guns have gotten a slick make over.

This was very well done, making the film feel like a genuine sci-fi movie. And it made sense. I appreciated the thoughtfulness that went into it.

Meanwhile, information is fed to us through conversations and speeches to bring us up to speed and the fact that humanity has been preparing for a future attack.

But then it got a bit too much. The information turned into a…

C’mon man. This is a blockbuster popcorn flick. No need to expound that much.

This takes me back to “Mad Max: Fury Road” and how brilliant the world building was. I never felt the story stopped to “catch me up” on things.

Speaking of “catching me up” on things, here’s the “where are they now?” section…

Of course we have to re-visit all the old ones. There was even a large painting of a certain character in a very conspicuously odd place (I won’t ruin it for you, but you’ll know it when you see it).

Bill Pullman returns with a daughter, who is part of one of several love stories.

I think it hurt the film to have most of them come back. I rather the writers spend time writing a script that works instead of writing a script that fits around all these characters. Some had nothing much to do and felt shoe-horned. Though I did enjoy seeing Data. He was as loony as ever. Jeff Goldblum brought his charisma, though it wasn’t enough to save the movie.

Jessie T. Usher plays Will Smith’s son. Even though he’s given some character depth to play with, he either doesn’t take advantage of that as an actor OR his story is not given enough room to breath. And so he feels more like a tool to connect to Will Smith’s character and to add conflict to Liam Hemsworth, who gets his very own stamp…

What’s an action movie without the “doesn’t play by the rules” type. Oh and he’s a fighter pilot too, though not as charismatic as Tom Cruise


The set-up was so long that it took nearly 40 minutes before the alien ship arrived, bringing along with it very good special effects. There was plenty of destruction to be had.

But then all these characters, old and new, find ways to come together…

…which includes some new characters like the president, a female scientist who is friends (potential love interest) with Goldblum, her assistant in a suit, a general and a warlord.

Out of the new characters, I mostly enjoyed the warlord (Deobia Oparei). Instead of having another sequel, just give me “Independence Day: The Warlord” prequel to the sequel.

Judd Hirsch character gets the…

Then there’s a couple of other subplots. One of which involves a couple of short, unnecessary scenes, with a ship of men. A second one is really interesting, but there is no time to fully develop it. But if they do a sequel maybe they can redeem themselves and do justice to this.

The fighter pilots have some fun scenes, bringing more new characters and another love story. And I really like the look of the aliens, though I’m not sure about the size.

The film tries to bring some emotion into it, but that falls flat because the characters don’t seem to be all that emotionally affected by what is going on. And when the characters enter the "gung ho" zone, they come dangerously close to feeling like they were ripped out of a Syfy TV movie, but without the fun campy charm.

If you just want to watch bits of destruction porn but don’t care about anything else then this should work for you.

The story left in a cliffhanger. And looking back, it feels as though all these characters were brought in and either moved around or off the board to make way for what's to come next. But there’s no guarantee that another film will be made, though I would like to see what they come up because it offers an interesting concept… better than this one.

Maybe they should have skipped to that story.

 Score 2/10


10 Keys in Wayward Pines RECAP: “City Upon a Hill”

(Season 2, Episode 6)

#1 Wayward Pines: future beginnings

2000 years the the future, Wayward Pines is inhabited by peaceful abbies—we’re talking families with children. We even see a woman with a newborn.

Until… the past comes a callin’

A helicopter hovers overhead. The abbies, scared, try to hide but they’ve already been spotted. A spray of bullets kill many of the abbies without discrimination.

The helicopter lands and Pilcher steps out.

“Area is secure, Sir. We can now begin construction on the plans.” - Soldier (to Pilcher)

#2 Back to Present: Abbies attack

Not only do the abbies burn down the crops, they also attack CJ’s camp. Gunfire erupts and both the abbies and humans take losses.

#3 How desperate is the situation for the town?

The hospital went into over drive as patients rolled in after the fighting ensued over the burned out crops.

The following morning, the tally sat at 35 dead and many injured.

The population: 1,178.

Jason, Megan, Kerry, Theo and CJ discussed the situation. CJ informed them that the crops were burned to the soil. And because they can’t grow within the town, they have 6 weeks of food left.

Additionally, Theo told them that the medicine is running dangerously low. A flu could wipe them out. He can make penicillin but it won’t fix everything.

Maybe they’ll consider putting people back in cryo until they figure things out. This would stretch out their rations.

#4 The Soil?

This problem is not going away.

“…’cause nothing will grow in wayward pines, why is that Kerry? What’s wrong with the soil here? Why didn’t Pilcher account for it? What did we do to it? And what does it tell us if we have to die to get the food we need to survive?” - Jason (to Kerry)

Good question, Jason. What is up with the soil?

#5 Jason and Kerry tension?

While in bed, Jason discusses the idea of starting a family with Kerry, who doesn’t seem interested. I wonder, does she love him or is she with him because they were matched? Or does she like the power?

There’s a moment where Jason has doubts and she berates him. He’s supposed to be a leader. He can’t show any doubt. And she makes sure he remembers this.

#6 Rebecca’s Love Triangle

Rebecca finds Theo at a bar…

“did you try to have a baby” - Theo (regarding Xander)

Guess we’ll have to wait to get an answer because the abbies’ vengence interrupted them.

The next day…

“Still have feelings for him?”

“Our marriage was like all the others in Wayward Pines at first. There were rules. There was surveillance. We were no more than cell mates. I chose you before any of this happened.” - Rebecca

“That’s not an answer.” - Theo

It sure isn’t.

Rebecca talks to Xander…

“Maybe, you can tell me when I’m coming back home.” - Xander (to Rebecca)

I wonder if Rebecca can have two husbands. Why choose 1 when you can have 2?

#7 Adam and Teresa

The question that has been plaguing me the last couple of episodes: Does Adam own a razor?

2000 years ago, he did.

And he knew Megan too. Seems Adam was doing some serious plotting, trying to take another man’s wife away. In love with Teresa, he figured if he could get Megan to ship Ethan 2000 years into the future, then he could have Teresa all to himself.

But his plan failed when Teresa went looking for Ethan in Wayward Pines. This is such a bizarre plan. Why would Adam think that Teresa wouldn't go looking for Ethan? Or at least hound the authorities to look into it? 

Also, why even bother to wake up Ethan? They could have kept him in stasis and Adam could have Teresa in the future.

Anyhow, during the attack, Teresa suffered a punctured lung. And it looks like Teresa’s injury was too serous as she flat lined. Next week we'll find out if anyone comes to save her.

#8 Are the Abbies smarter than humans?

Theo and Megan give Margaret an MRI to find out why she is docile while the others abbies (in the cage) are agitated.

Megan wants to know what Theo is looking for…

“Temporal gyrus. Advanced thought, problem solving, center of language for her brain. The temporal gyrus for a chimp is 1/3 the size of human’s. And hers appears to be double the size of ours.”

Seems the town has underestimated the abbies.

#9 What else does Adam know?

My guess is a lot. But in standard TV fashion, he is compelled to not tell anyone.

Theo tries to get some information. He asks questions and, in return, receives questions. Too bad, I want answers!

So let’s piece it together…

Theo wants to know about the abbies and mentions that they have a female. This gets a reaction from Adam and he immediately asks about her palm…

“A raised mark, it’s like a brand?” - Adam

We’ll have to wait to see what it all means, but I’m guessing it’s not good for the town. These particular females are special—highly intelligent and seem to have telekinetic abilities.

#10 The abbies aren’t done

Abbies reentered the valley and the numbers are multiplying.

The air is filled with ominous roaring, howling and snarling noises emanating from the abbies. The townsfolk go outside.

I can’t blame them. It’s hard to sleep when the sound of death is caving in on you.

It might be time to free Margaret and pray that it works.

June 27, 2016


3 Flaws I Hope Batman v Superman Ultimate Edition Fixes


When I first saw the movie, I considered making a write-up on what I thought the flaws were. But I decided to wait until the Ultimate Edition was close in hand.  I loved the movie. I saw it three times and each time I watched it, I loved it more. Generally speaking, this is not out of the norm for a movie, but in the case of BvS, I think the reason goes a bit deeper.

In addition, I do think the structure lacked dramatic irony, which is something I was looking forward to and didn’t really get. I discuss this in detail later in this article.

The “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition” adds another 30 minutes to the theatrical cut. The digital release is on the way, but I have already pre-ordered the blu-ray, which will arrive July 19. I am staying away from any spoilers as I hold out until then.

I don’t know if the extra 30 minutes will address the issues I had, but here are the 3 key things I wish were in the movie and hope are in the Ultimate Edition.

#3 Superman doing a personal save

Before I begin, let me just say that Superman is my favorite superhero.

We’ve seen Superman saving the world twice. He killed Zod and Doomsday, dying in the process of the later.

But what we haven’t seen is Superman saving a person (or people) on a personal level. Sure, Clark did it in “Man Of Steel”, but since he’s been Superman, that hasn’t been detailed.

Yes, he’s rescued Lois when she was pushed off the roof. And I loved when he saved Lex from Doomsday. That was a tremendous add. But I wanted something more.

What did we get?

There was a montage with people on the TV discussing the heroics of Superman, including Superman hovering over flood victims. But it lacked some warmth that comes with the type of save I’m thinking of.

Let’s looks at the fire scene:

Clark watches the tv, sees a fire and unbuttons his tie. Then we jump to him carrying the girl out, handing her to the mother when the crowd treats him like a God, which weighs on him in an emotional way.

I think this type of twist is bold and I appreciated it. I always wanted to see a Superman that had to deal with the pressures. But what was missing is the hope, the why behind what he does.

When you focus on the struggle and the pain, then as a viewer that’s what I’m going to feel. What was missing from the scene was the actual save.

Fire scene breakdown: Sees the fire, (skips the save part which is off screen), carries the girl and feels the weight of it all.

The save is where the hope comes from… where we see and feel why he does it. He can’t be saving people just because he has to. He has to do it because he wants to. That kind of thing was left to the “well he’s Superman so we know he’s a good guy.” But as a Superman fan, I want to feel it. I feel it by seeing and, therefore, experiencing it.

What should have happened: Superman flies into the burning building and saves the scared girl. This is the moment where we see the emotional reward. The why he does it. To give this girl hope that she will survive the fire. To give the mother outside, who sees Superman fly in, the hope that she will get her daughter back.

Now, this personal save didn’t have occur during the fire. It could have been something else. But the fire was the perfect spot.

#2 Clark investigating The Batman

We didn’t get much of Daily Planet Clark Kent in “Man Of Steel” and that’s fine since it was a Clark Kent/Jor-El becoming Superman story.

But here we have Superman disliking Batman for ideological reasons and we don’t see him doing a lot of research. It would have been nice to see him talk to that branding victim.

Clark felt rather sheltered. He was mainly in the office and didn’t have much contact with people outside of the usual suspects.  

Gotta add that I loved the scene where Clark Kent meets Bruce Wayne at the party. Their chemistry is off the charts, which bodes well for future Justice League films.

#1 Lex’ plan should be more upfront (eliminate the connect-the-dot method of story telling, add DRAMATIC IRONY)

One of the main concerns I read was:
  • The film was a mess
  • People didn’t understand some things (claiming plot holes)
  • Africa seemed pointless (including the African woman at the Senate hearing)
  • Lex plan made no sense

I was able to follow everything the first time I saw it. But I believe the reason I enjoyed it better the second time was because I knew what was happening. This is another thing I hear people say often.

Question: Why were people confused?

It’s been established that there were editing issues bringing the film from 3 hours to 2.5 hours. But you can edit and still not have some people feeling completely lost. It’s about WHAT you edit and HOW you order your scenes that could impact CLARITY.

Answer: connect-the-dot method of story telling

This comes from not knowing any of Lex’ scheme until later on. It really wasn’t until the senate bombing when all the pieces really came together. Inferences had to be made, then on the helipad scene, Lex boasted to Superman:

For some, by this time they were lost or maybe they stopped trying to follow what Lex was doing.

For others (like me), it was a rush of information as I connected the dots and got validation for what I had inferred.

How to fix the connect-the-dot method of story telling

Very simple. Something as quick as a two minute montage during the “18 months later” black screen where we see Lex in front of computer screens showing things like:
  • Matching images of Clark with Superman
  • Tracking the Batmobile to Bruce Wayne (using street cameras)
  • Receiving files of the other Justice League members in an email to show that he is gathering intel on meta-humans
  • Lex talking to KGBEast so we can establish that Lex is connected to the Africa incident when the Africa incident happens (instead of us having to connect the dots later).

Things like this. Now I’m not saying that we have to have a montage. But it’s just an easy way to go. What I am saying is that we needed something.

As it stands, the theatrical cut did not show us Lex being involved in things from the start. So it felt like a bunch of separate stories that took long to come together where the common thread ended up being Lex Luthor.

“The Dark Knight” also had a lot of stories and subplots. But it was easy to follow because the Joker’s plans were laid out for us. There weren’t a bunch of things happening behind the scenes with us left not knowing until much later on (like in BvS). Sure you can have twists and turns but you need to establish a foundation first.

For fun try this, watch “The Dark Knight” and imagine how the movie would feel if you eliminated the beginning Joker scene in the bank and the Joker meeting with the mafia men (you know, the disappearing pencil trick). Without the Joker as the connective thread, the story would feel messy.

Lack of Dramatic Irony

Dramatic irony, in a nutshell, is when the audience is privy to something the characters are not. It gives the audience a front seat to the action, because they’re in the know.

Example in a Horror movie: The audience sees a killer with a knife at the end of the hall. An unsuspecting character walks toward the danger and as she walks down the hallway, we are stressed out because we know something bad is lurking in wait.

When I saw the trailer with the party scene, it seemed like Lex knew who Bruce and Clark were.

But when the scene comes in the movie, we don’t know… not until it’s too late to enjoy it. Unless you’re on your second viewing. We also see Diana there.

Imagine if we knew that Lex knew who Clark and Bruce where… now imagine the same for Diana… the scene has a totally different feel and it becomes quite funny as we watch his pawns move around the room.

The connect-the-dot method of story telling robbed us of dramatic irony.


Preacher RECAP: “South Will Rise Again”

(Season 1, Episode 5)

Mystery Cowboy

He and his horse ride into this cesspool of a town called…

While he’s waiting for his medicine to be made, he hangs out at the saloon… Bad move.

Now this is some F’d up place.  Some dude walks in with a bag of scalps he’s trying to sell. And the bartender acts like it’s business as usually, as he gives them a once over; but the scalps are not to his liking.

Meanwhile, in the back room, this family the Mystery Cowboy saw in the medicine store is having some sick stuff happening to them. The father looks dead. I think the mother is being raped while they have the child watching. 

It’s all so shocking, but then again this is the town that has a tree with dead body’s as hanging ornaments.

He gets his medicine and leaves, only to come upon, who I think is, the family he ate with during the previous episode we saw him in. Ratwater isn’t exactly a family place. So he returns to help this family, but ends up getting beaten up.

He stumbles out of the saloon with a preacher on his tail. This isn’t your ordinary preacher either. He’s telling dirty jokes in the saloon. And to top it off, he recognizes the Mystery Cowboy.

“Gettysburg. Third day—Pickett’s Charge. You were with the 4th Virginian. I was with the 8th Ohio. I never seen a man more in love with killing than you. We lost a lot of good men that day. Lost a lot of horses too.” - Ratwater Preacher

Oh no, not the horse. Damnit! He shoots the horse dead.

Now our Mystery Cowboy has to foot it, medicine in hand. He finally reaches his destination to find his family dead.

Angry, he opens a closet… picks up his rifle.

Ah shite… stuff’s about to go down!

Speaking of rifles…


Maybe Eugene should stay away from Tracy. She’s a vegetable and his face resembles a butthole. Nuff said.

The Sheriff (his father) is filled with anguish. This whole ordeal has really gotten to him. So he snaps at Eugene.

“If you really want to help, maybe you should do what they said and finish the god damn job.” - Sheriff

Abuse of power

Jesse has been on over drive. He’s using the diner as his private office, talking to everyone he meets. Eugene tells him of what is going on with his father and so Jesse decides to make it better.

The two drive over to Tracy’s house where her mother bashes Eugene’s truck with a bat. Emotions run high until Jesse steps in and does his thing.

He tells the mother to forgive Eugene.

This was bizarre. I don’t know what went down with Tracy and Eugene but it looks bad, bad enough to make me feel that the mother may need to hold onto her feelings a bit longer. Either way, forcing someone to forgive someone else feels wrong.


While in Odin’s office, Donnie witnesses a different Odin—a man who is pleasant and tells the Mayor that he wants to meet the Green Acres group—the same group he’s been hating on.

Things just don’t seem right.

Donnie tells his wife about his bathroom experience with Jesse… then about the bus driver… and Odin. He knows Jesse has a power and is making people do things against their will.


From last episode:

“Serve God” - Jesse via the voice

“I ask you again, will you serve God?” - Jesse

“Of course I will… Yes, sir…” - Odin

So a kindler, gentler Odin meets with the Mayor and the Green Acres group. Things are pleasant enough UNTIL Odin goes all Tony Montana and kills them.

“Yep. We grow or we die, Miles. We grow or we die. .. {kills the last one, who enters the room} Yep.” - Odin

How does this power work? Is there a negative/evil twist to it?

Remember the man who went to see his mother? He ended up killing himself right in front of her.

Odin goes homicidal. Did he perceive the Green Acres group as evil and his idea of serving God was to kill them?

How will any of this affect Tracy’s mother or the bus driver… or the town?

We could have one insane level of chaos about to happen.

If this power is up to no good, I can see why it chose a preacher because it can then corrupt those who pray to God. After all we did learn that the power is not God…

Heavenly duo

The last we saw of them, they were staring at a ringing phone.

And now, here they are…

…talking about the ringing phone. Apparently, Heaven loves Fiore. So it has to be him that answers the phone. But before he can answer, he has to practice what he is going to say and what better place to practice then on the toilet.

“The Hello is crucial, remember. Sets the tone.” - DeBlanc

Fiore better get that “Hello” just right.

Time passes and they’re ready to answer when it stops ringing.

Hmm… I wonder if anyone will come looking for them.

Two angels, a possessed preacher and a coffee can walk into a diner

The duo are not too happy with our preacher. They had given money to Cassidy as they waited for the preacher to give himself up, but he never did. So they came looking for him.

“It lives in there.” - fiore

“Guys, I’ve seen a lot of weird stuff in my life.  I mean more than my fair share. But I’ve never, not one time heard of God fittin’ himself into a can of old timer” - Jesse

“What’s inside of you, it isn’t God.” - deblanc

Oh Snap!

That has Jesse looking mighty perturbed, but now it’s starting to make sense. Well… a little bit more anyhow as we still don’t know what’s inside him. We just know what it ain’t.

Tulip and Cassidy

With Jesse seeming to be more interested in the townsfolk and that one female that seems to be making the rounds, Tulip rebounds with Cassidy.

She steals drugs for Cassidy, then hooks up with him in the back of a car.


Game Of Thrones: The Women Who Stir “The Winds of Winter”

(Season 6, Episode 10)

The season finale was a game changer that paves the way for what is sure to be an exciting remaining episodes. And at the heart of it were some very strong female characters.

And I applaud “Game of Thrones” for that!

Let's take a look at the females...

Cersei gets her revenge

The matriarch of the Lannister family was not going to go out in a whimper. On the contrary, she soared in a bang… and a boom!

She is set to stand trial in front of the Seven…

…where an emotionally battered Loras Tyrell confessed his sins and pledged his allegiance to the Seven, renouncing his claims to Highgarden, promising to never get married or have children. He then received a parting gift, markings on his forehead—much to the chagrin of the Queen, who had been promised that Loras would be free to leave (which he still can but just not as he came).

But where is Cersei when all this goes down? Doesn't she have a trial to attend?

She never showed up. Actually, neither did her son, King Tommen. That’s because Cersei has a plan. The Mountain kept Tommen from leaving his room.

Meanwhile, The grand Maester was murdered, stabbed to death by the children. Why?

“Before we usher in the new, the old must be put to rest.”

Sounds good to me.

This is all part of a plan as Cersei had The Sept of Baelor burned down with wildfire.

The Queen knew something was up. She’s quite shrewd.

But the High Sparrow would not let here leave and so this happened…

Everyone including The High Sparrow, Loras, The Queen, the Queen’s father were burned in a blaze of green glory!

Add to that a bit of side revenge on the woman who tormented Cersei while she was jail.

But it came with a cost, King Tommen depressed over losing his woman, commits suicide—death by jumping out of the window.

Cersei is childless, which means she has the throne to herself and all the power her heart’s desire. But she doesn't look all that happy...

Jamie arrives in timely fashion and seeing Cersei crowned tells him all he needs to know about his remaining child.

Olenna and Ellaria plot their revenge

Olenna lost her son and two grandchildren in Cersei’s wildfire. Her anger has made her as feisty as ever when she meets with another woman who has a bone to pick… or devour.

So, what’s the plan? Drum roll, please…

This is gonna be good!

Ayra sends her regards

With Riverrun back in the control of the Freys and Lannisters, Walder Frey holds another of his special dinners. He opens with a toast.

“And when we drive our swords through our enemies' hearts, may we speak the words of our alliance... The Freys and the Lannisters, send their regards.” - Walder

He then proceeds to boast with Jamie Lannister because he got Riverrun back and is feeling mighty “big” at the moment; until, Jamie knocks him down several sharp pegs.

“Fear is a marvelous thing.”- Frey

“They don’t fear the Freys though, they fear the Lannisters. We gave you the Riverlands to hold the Riverlands. If we have to ride north and take them back for you every time you lose them… Why do we need you?” - Jamie

And that’s not the worst of it. The party is over, Walder is doing what Walder does best, sits at his table, eating and drinking, when a woman serves him something that looks kind of delicious…

But it’s not an ordinary meal. It’s his two sons mashed up into what will be Walder’s final meal. Ewww!

And that girl isn’t an ordinary girl, it’s the many-face Arya.

She gets her revenge! Her list is getting shorter.

Lyanna Stark gives birth to a King

North of the wall, Benjen leaves his nephew—the new three-eyed raven—in the middle of nowhere. Okay, maybe not quite nowhere, there is that tree after all.

He touches it and sees what many of us have been waiting for… the answer to “who is in the tower?”

Ned finds Lyanna dying, bleeding out.

“If Robert finds out, he’ll kill him. You know he will… you have to protect him, promise me Ned, promise me… Promise me, Ned. Promise me.” - Lyanna

The sounds of a baby cries as Ned is handed baby Jon Snow.

Melisandre lives another day

Her night wasn’t as triumphant as some, but she was facing death. Davos told Jon about her burning Shireen at the stack.

Jon decided not to kill her… at least not today. She’s to leave, travel south and if she ever returns, he would have her hanged.

She gained enough points for resurrected Jon to earn her another shot of life—but not before telling Davos that Shireen's parents allowed the burning to happen.

Sansa trumps Little Finger

Sansa is looking for some alone time when Little Finger comes a sniffn’.

She asks him what he wants and he goes on about this picture in his head that drives him.

“A picture of me on the iron throne and you by my side.” - Little Finger

“It’s a pretty picture.” - Sansa

Then she walks away. BAM!

I have to wonder, how did leaving her with the Boltons factor into this picture of his.

Sansa also had a touching moment with Jon Snow. To her, he’s a Stark. And he tells her they need to trust each other because they are surrounded by enemies.

Aw. I love these two

Lady Mormont gives the Lords a verbal lashing

With Jon and Sansa at the head of the table looking out onto a crowded room of men from the North, there stood 10 year-old Lady Mormont.

She let the Lords know of their cowardice, how they didn’t stand up and fight against the Boltons after all the horrendous things the Boltons had done to them.

“We know no King, but the King in the North, whose name is Stark. I don’t care if he’s a bastard. Ned Stark’s blood runs through his veins. He’s my king from this day till his last day.” - Lady Mormont

This leads to the men standing up in rousing support of the new King of the North… Jon Snow.

Daenerys has her ships

“Slaver’s Bay” has been renamed to “The Bay of Dragons”.

The Mother of Dragons starts off dumping her boy toy. Daario is broken up about it, but she has higher goals… and who knows, she may have to marry to solidify her quest for the throne. Having Daario around gets in the way.

You go girl!

She then makes Tyrion the “hand of the Queen”.

She is now on her way…

Side Note:

Sam makes it to the library.

Too bad they don’t allow women in there… BOO!