April 25, 2016


What did Davos Seaworth see in the snow?

Season 6 of Game of Thrones opens with the howls of a direwolf alerting Davos to something wrong. Davos looks out and spots Jon Snow’s dead body laying in the snow.

A trusted few help carry Jon’s body inside. But after wards, Davos pauses to study the blood left behind from Jon’s body. It was an odd moment, which demanded further inspection.

The Blood stain

Was something there? Hmmm...

Studying it you can see plenty of things—just like the Rorschach inkblot test. And my mind is gravitating toward a dragon even if I don’t see a dragon.

Maybe it’s nothing… nha. Something has to be there, right? There was a deliberate pause.

So let’s look further.

Notice that off to the left you can Davos’ feet. This means that his vantage point was from the left not the bottom of the screen (or picture).

So let’s flip the picture. Notice something?

What is this image?

Let’s examine this: The top portion looks like a pair of horns. It’s even lighter in color much in the same way some horns are. Below it is the shape of a head of an animal and its body below that with a pair of arms off to the side.

If you look at the top, left, there’s something sticking out from the top of the head; or maybe it’s protruding from the creature’s back, similar to when a warrior wears his/her sword—with the sword resting in its guard, which is strapped across its body.

What is this beast?

Looks like an outline of a half man half goat because of the shape of the horns. This is known as a faun. Or perhaps it’s a half man half bull, which is known as a minotaur

To me, the horns look more like a goat.

According to wikipedia, a faun is a “manifestation of forest and animal spirits that would help or hinder humans at whim.” Hmmm, the spirits part sounds promising.

On the other hand, a minotaur seems to have a darker connotation as it was seen in Dante’s Inferno.

Another thought is maybe the blood stain represents a white walker. The white walker that Jon had the infamous stare down with, last season, has a series of small horns, like appendages or a crown, sticky out of his head. Could there be a connection here?

So they’re not nearly as large as the horns etched from the blood stains, but maybe there’s a correlation.

April 22, 2016


Legends of Tomorrow: Recap “Last Refuge”

(Season 1, Episode 12)

Last week’s cliffhanger promised an exciting episode to come and it didn’t disappoint.

The time masters sent a trio of hunters, who followed the team to the wild west last week. This trio was supposed to be really good at what they do according to Heatwave; but our heroes managed to dispatch of them with ease.

So the time masters have decided to send their big gun. A woman named Pilgrim, who doesn’t just go after her targets… She goes after them when they’re younger and have no idea what’s coming. Woah!

As so here we are, the episode starts and it’s exciting.

The team uses the computer to determine the probabilities of who Pilgrim will go after and “when” she will go after them.

Heatwave is the first target—a teenager, who just witnessed the death of his parents when the house burned down. This offers some good character insight when they save young Heatwave and bring him on board the ship.

Adult Heatwave doesn’t think too fondly of young Heatwave, which shows just how little he thinks of himself. But before it all ends he gives the boy advice to not be his adult self. See, the kid started the fire unable to stop it. Has blamed himself and dealt with the anger at himself for his entire life.

Next is a teenager Sara. It was nice to see Sara if for no other reason than we got a cameo of her father. I love these crossovers.

But then complications arise when they can’t determine who is next. But the answer comes quickly when Ray finds himself all bruised up and about to die with Hawkgirl by his side. That’s because his “not so much younger” self is being beaten by Pilgrim.

But the they manage to barely save him in time.

However, they can’t risk being unable to save the next person, so they decide to kidnap the rest of the group as infants.

This offers the funniest moments when Rip and Heatwave find Stein’s mom giving birth in a car. This scene dripped with irony as Heatwave is dressed as a doctor, his frame busting out of his doctor’s white coat. He claims to be a doctor and they take baby Stein.

All in all, there were some really nice connections in this episode. Teenagers Sara and Heatwave. Firestorm got to meet his father, who died when he was young. Rip and the team met Rip’s foster mom and boy Rip… we’ll get back to boy Rip later.

As fun as everything was, one little item managed to soil the episode, but only a tad. Sadly, the angst between Hawkgirl and Ray continued. Ray asks her to marry him and she said yes. But like so many love stories, there’s that moment when he overhears that she doesn’t want to marry. And this temporarily breaks them up.

As much as I enjoy the show, the weak spot is Hawkgirl’s love life. It seems to be her major plot point every week. But maybe that will end because at the end of the episode, she decided to marry him. Crosses fingers that the angst is over.

So, let’s return to Rip as a child…

With the team holding their younger selves, Pilgrim kidnaps their loved ones in hopes of making a trade—them for their loved ones.

This culminated in an awesome looking and tense finale to the episode. With all of them together in a room, they attack. But she has the ability to slow down time. Everything freezes, stops in its track leaving a beautiful display of characters and fight or flight mode and their discharged weapons is a petrified state.

Just when you think Pilgrim will win the unexpected happens and boy Rip saves the day.

I don’t know what will happen next, but this episode was fun to watch and Pilgrim was indeed formidable!

April 7, 2016


Legends of Tomorrow: Recap “Progeny”

(Season 1, Episode 10)

The team travels to the future where Savage is training the progeny, which is the title of the episode. The progeny is a boy Savage is training to essentially become the next Hitler. Because in the future of THIS future, the progeny will grow up to be a man who will be responsible for a dire future where a worldwide infection spreads and Rip’s family is murdered.

This poses a moral dilemma… if you had the chance to kill Hitler as a child would you?

The episode flirts with this. Most believe the kid can change. The future isn’t set. Captain Cold, being the “bad guy”, is all for murdering the child. Even Rip is down for it—after all the kid will be responsible for Rip’s family’s death. But talking about it is a whole lot different than actually doing it.

So they kidnap the boy and Rip is this close to ending it here and now. But he doesn’t. Instead he tells the kid to be like his father, who is the opposite of Savage.

But this makes the future worse. Initially a virus was going to spread in 5 years from now; but now it’s a matter of days before the future is destroyed. And why so soon? Because Savage can see the writing on the wall. He convinces the kid to murder his father; thereby, removing any doubts. And so the dominoes fall.

And now for the subplots:

Hawkgirl’s memories of her soul mate and their past life together with their son comes racing back. Feelings too. But her heart belongs to Ray and she admits that these memories make her feel like she’s cheating on Ray. Seems a bit odd that a couple years with Ray trumps several lifetimes with her soul mate. But, okay.

The other more interesting subplot is “what to do with Heatwave?” He’s in a holding cell. Sara and Rip try to talk to him but Heatwave holds to his hardened demeanor.

And then Capt. Cold has his own conversation and plays “let’s make a deal”. We fight… You kill me and you can escape. Or I kill you and well…. You die… wanna play?

The chose is easy, Heatwave plays the game. Capt. Cold enters the cell and gets a beat down. Look at Heatwave, he’s a big dude after all.

Heatwave’s about to deal the fatal blow. Kill Capt. Cold and you can run. But he doesn’t. He reneges on the deal and let’s Capt. Cold live. But there’s a catch…. He tells Capt. Cold that they’re all going to die.

Heatwave is let out of his cell… docile and ready to play with others. He tells them that since he didn’t kill them that the time masters will send a team of hunters after them all with one goal in mind… kill them all. And these hunters aren’t as rational as Heatwave, which tells its own story.

Rip asks what they should do.

“Run,” Heatwave replies.

Heatwave is the king of one liners. Nice to have him back.

April 5, 2016


Walking Dead: Recap of season finale “Last Day on Earth”

(Season 6, Episode 16)

The season finale is upon us…

As someone who doesn’t read the comics and didn’t read any spoilers, I had no idea what to expect. And when it ended my heart was racing and I was sicken.

What the heck just happened!! OMG!!

So Carl and Morgan had a side adventure with Carol nearly dying at the hands of a man she fought with on a previous episode. Morgan saved her even though she didn’t want to be saved.

Now, let’s get to the Rick section. With Maggie sick and on the verge of losing her baby, Rick, Abe, Sasha, Rosita and Eugene drive the trailer to find a hospital.

This proves difficult as the road leads to a detour of Negan’s men. They try another route and there’s another detour. This goes on all day and they are left with no other choice but to leave the trailer and carry Maggie through the woods. Eugene was left behind to drive the trailer, allowing the others to flee undetected.

However, the plan turned out to be a trap.

The group wanders into Negan’s group to find that Eugene was taken hostage along with the trailer.

A van opens and out comes their friends Daryl, Michonne and Glenn. The good guys are forced to their knees (including a sick Maggie). 

And so it begins… The moment when you realize that they may have met someone worse than the Governor.

This scene is eerie like something out of a horror movie. Tension builds as Negan steps out and finally reveals himself. He speaks with a psychotic charm.

And you just know it won’t end well. The look on Rick’s face, the defeat, the fear. He wants to kill Negan, but he can’t. He’s feeling something he hasn’t felt in a long time… helplessness. He’s at Negan’s mercy and Negan doesn’t have mercy.

So now they work for Negan. Negan takes half of everything they own and will continue to do so forever, much like the group they met up and tried to help. One could understand why that other group paid Rick to kill Negan.

But before Rick’s group is free to work for Negan they must pay a price for the people they killed.

Negan says: “I do not appreciate you killing my men. Also, when I sent my people to kill your people for killing my people you killed more of my people. Not cool, not cool. You have no idea how not cool that {bleep} is.”

And so comes that moment that builds and builds until the viewer finds themself holding their breath. Negan holds a bat wrapped in wire designed to inflict damage. And someone is going to get a beating, a beating so bad they may not live theough it. It will be brutal and it won’t be swift.

But who? Who will pay the price?

Negan toys with the group and the audience. “inni minnie minie mo…” each member flinches, sheds tear, trembles except Abe, who’s prepared to die for the others. But the choice isn’t his. That honor belongs to Negan.

The bat points to person after person until he makes his choice. He bashes one of the group, but who? We still don’t know. The camera takes on the view of the victim. Blood pours down the frame. Another swing… fade to black.

And it ends…

We will have to wait until next season to see who died.

But there is a hint. It probably isn’t Rick or Carl because Negan says “Anybody moves, anybody says anything cut the boys other eye out and feed it to his father”.


Legends of Tomorrow: Recap “Left Behind”


(Season 1, Episode 9)

This was a second part of a 2-parter. Previously on Legends of Tomorrow, part of the team (Ray, Sara and Hawkgirl) were stranded in 1958 when the other members are attacked by Kronos and forced to flee in the ship.

At the start, the group is further divided when Capt. Cold is kidnapped by Kronos.

The earth bound team feels a sense of hopelessness regarding the return of their friends as time passes and the ship hasn’t returned.

Jump two years later and the ship returns to collect Hawkgirl and Ray, who have created a life. Ray seems content almost reluctant to leave it all behind. After all he’s a teacher and he has students. Hawkgirl, on the other hand, is all too eager to leave that behind. This causes some tension between the couple but that’s resolved quickly enough.

But where is Sara? She parted ways and went where she was most comfortable… the league of assassins. And of course, in her training, she’s ahead of the learning curve because she’s done it all before.

It was nice to see Ra's al Ghul again. And in 1960 his daughter, Sara’s ex-lover, isn’t born yet.

The group (sans Capt. Cold, who we will get back to) go to gather Sara but it’s not as easy as it would appear. She’s totally ingrained in her life, so much so that she rats them out to the league willing to watch them die.

I didn’t really like this part. Sara had made friends with them and now she’s back to her assassin status, ready to kill them. But she snaps out of that and returns with her ship mates.

So let’s get to Capt. Cold. He’s handcuffed to the bridge with Kronos standing there, looking all Darth Vadar. Capt. Cold wants to know why he was kidnapped and not Rip. The answer should be obvious to him but it isn’t.

And here comes the surprise. Kronos removes his helmet and there is Heatwave, who was supposed to be killed by Capt. Cold… OOPS!

In the world of TV, if you don’t see someone die, they probably aren’t. And I’m quite okay with that. Heatwave, along with Capt. Cold, is a fun character.

A flashback shows us that Capt. Cold didn’t kill Heatwave and was planning to return and get his friend. But time went by with Heatwave being saved by the time masters instead. They trained him, brainwashed him and now Heatwave has been the killer Kronos all along, traveling through time.

Kronos attacks the ship and a battle ensues. Meanwhile, Capt. Cold freezes his hand, cutting it off, to free himself.

The team traps Heatwave in jail and decide to try and unbrainwash him or maybe re-brainwash him to their advantage. Either way, they see value in him.

And what about Capt. Cold’s hand? Luckily they have some kind of cloning and gave him a fresh new one.