November 29, 2013


NaNoWriMo 2013 - COMPLETED!

It is DAY 29 and I reached the 50K mark. This is my daily word count for the month of November. I started off slowly, but had a strong finish.

I still a ways to go to actually complete my novel. My goal is around 90K. But this is a great start.


November 9, 2013


My 2013 NaNoWriMo Updates

NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It's a great site created for writers to get together as they strive to finish 50K words in the month of November. And here's the website:

DAY 9:

The site contains stats to show your progress. And well.... I should be at least 15000 words in by the end of tonight. But so far I am under 8000. So I have a lot of catching up to do. 

Prior to starting, I had it pretty much laid out. This was an idea I had tossed around in my head for over a year as I struggled between whether or not to make it a screenplay or a novel. And since I never finished a novel, it took me this long and the threat of November looming to make the final decision. 

Although I had the plot laid out, there was a spot that I felt could use fleshing out. I figured I wouldn't worry about it until it came up... after all I have 50K words to crank out and there's no time to think! But as I was writing I imagined a conflict character that could really make things interesting for the love interest and ideas just starting flowing, and I wrote a future scene to set up his story for much later. 

Adding a shady character can really spruce up a story. So even though I'm so far behind, I feel like it's been a good writing week,

Anyway... time to continue writing!


January 17, 2013


The start of a new year: 2013

I nearly died in 2011, I found myself again in 2012 and will forge ahead in 2013...

It's been a while since I've posted here. Actually it's been a while for a lot of things.

In 2011, bad health hit me hard. I had brain surgery. Physically, I'm fine. But I was unable to write until midway through 2012. It's strange, prior to the surgery I had plenty of movie screenplay ideas. I was writing outlines, stories and even started a couple of novels.

Then nothing...

Then my brain started to chug out ideas as I recovered from surgery, plowing through writer's block. But the ideas are mainly TV shows. Something I didn't have before. And I'm not complaining!! I love TV and I love to write. I feel blessed that it's come back.

Since mid 2012, I've written 2 new pilots (sitcoms), 1 spec script for ARCHER and a 5 year bible for a horror series (and I started the pilot for this as well). I've also outlined ideas for an existing sitcom and drama  show.

So what does 2013 have in store for me? I'm going to keep writing and I look to submit my TV scripts to some contests and see how it goes.
